An evaluation on the effectiveness of the Compliance Management System is the next step, this is where an operator will be required to undergo and independent audit by a Main Roads WA, WAHVA Approved Auditor, this is known as an Entry or Establishment Audit. If Successful the operator is then able to submit their Application to Main Roads WA, complete with their Entry Audit Report and Payment for the initial accreditation period.
Once Main Roads WA has reviewed the operator's application they will be advised on the outcome. If the application is successful, the operator will be provided with an accreditation approval notice and certificate of accreditation, outlining the conditions (if any) and advised of the period of accreditation granted. It is then up to the Operator to manage their Accreditation in Accordance with the WAHVA Business Rules, Accreditation Module Standards & their Own Internal Policies & Procedures.
The operator's management system must undergo a scheduled compliance audit at 12 months and a second scheduled compliance audit at 24 months, with the maximum accreditation period being 36 months (3 years), at which point it is an accredited operator's responsibility to ensure accreditation is renewed (re-entry audit) and submitted to Main Roads prior to the accreditation expiry date. A re-entry audit must be conducted within the period three months prior to the accreditation expiry date.